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Wheel of the Year Workshop Series - Imbolc (Online)

Introducing the wheel of the year workshop series!

The wheel of the year is based on the Pagan and Celtic calendars, and offers us 8 opportunities throughout the year to reflect on the shifting seasons, to connect to the natural world, and to connect to ourselves.

Starting with Imbolc - which takes place halfway between winter solstice (shortest day, longest night) and spring equinox (equal day and night) - we will spend some time opening up to the slow return of the light and the first signs of spring, after the long, chilly winter.

Meeting on Zoom on Saturday 3rd February @ 10-11.30am, there will be movement, rest, reflection, and other cosy things. I haven’t offered anything like this for a while & I’m very excited to share it with you!

£12 standard price or £7 concessionary - book your space here 🌾

March 17

Spring Equinox: Online Yoga Therapy Workshop